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BEYOND 2020: The new medium-term management plan

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April 28, 2017

The Okasan Group has formulated a new medium-term management plan covering the period from April 2017 through March 2020. This plan is summarized below.

1.About the new medium-term management plan

The Okasan Group will mark the centennial of its founding in April 2023. With this milestone in mind, the Group has announced "BEYOND the OKASAN Group's 100-year History," a new management vision that focuses primarily on establishing a grand design toward a structure that will ensure continuing growth while winning and retaining the trust of its customers beyond the centennial.
The "BEYOND 2020" medium-term management plan addresses the first three-year period of this vision, the period through 2020. During this time, the Group will invest strategically to give the Okasan Group the strengthen needed to achieve these objectives.

2.Period covered

The three-year period from April 2017 through March 2020

3.Attached materials

The Okasan Group's "BEYOND 2020" medium-term management plan and explanatory materials

BEYOND 2020: The new medium-term management plan

  1. Management philosophy: Customer-First

    As investment advising professionals, our management philosophy remains unchanged: to provide services tailored to each individual customer, services that put the best interests of our customers first.
  2. Social mission:

    We will continue to grow while fulfilling our social mission of meeting customer needs across the three areas of asset building, investment, and asset management.

    [Statements to stakeholders]
    1. Customers
      We seek to be a group of investment advising professionals focusing on advancing the best interests of our customers.
    2. Employees
      We seek to be a company in which employees can take even greater pride to make the work of our employees as rewarding as possible.
    3. Shareholders
      We strive to increase corporate value to meet the expectations of our shareholders.
  3. Qualitative targets: Six measures to strengthen the Group

    1. Customer-First management
    2. Cooperation within the Group
    3. Partnerships outside the Group
    4. Brand strategy
    5. Human resources, rewarding work
    6. FinTech
  4. Quantitative target: ROE of 10%

    While growing the Group, we plan to achieve a ROE of 10% as a stable, long-term target.
  5. Marking the centennial of the Group's founding

    Leading up to the Group’s centennial, our goal, to be achieved at the earliest possible date, is to achieve the targets of one million accounts and ten trillion yen in assets managed across the entire Group.

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