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Okasan Securities Co., Ltd.

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Company Profile

Company Name Okasan Securities Co., Ltd.
Address Head Office
2-2-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022 JAPAN
Kabutocho Office
1-4 Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 JAPAN
Phone Number +81-3-3272-2211 (main)
Date of Establishment April 2003
(forerunner, the former Okasan Company was founded in April 1923)
President IKEDA Yoshihiro
Business Details Securities Business
Capital 5,000,000,000 Yen
Number of Office Domestic 60, Overseas 2
Office (Link:Japanese Only)

Okasan Online; Online trading service provided by Okasan Online Securities Company

Message from the Okasan Securities Co., Ltd.

Since our founding in 1923, we have been a securities firm operating as the Okasan Securities Group's flagship company, and celebrated our 100th anniversary in April 2023.

Our community-based approach of consulting sales, as well as Contact Center service and online trading service, reflect the importance of maintaining close relationships with our customers. As for consulting sales, we deploy financial professionals in approximately sixty sales branches nationwide. They all listen sincerely to customers, offer investment and asset management proposals, and provide investment advice tailored to meet the distinct needs of each customer.

In January 2022, we integrated Okasan Online Securities Co., Ltd., which features advanced online trading tools. We aim to be a securities company with strengths both in consulting service and internet service, accelerating to establish systems that accurately meet diversifying needs of our customers.

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