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Okasan Information Systems Co., Ltd.

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Company Profile

Company Name Okasan Information Systems Co., Ltd.
Address 1-22-16 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0053 JAPAN
Phone Number +81-3-6385-8300(main)
Date of Establishment July 1, 1980
President TONO Hideki
Business Details Information Process Services Business (Okasan Kiba Bldg.)
Capital 100,000,000 Yen

Message from Okasan Information Systems Co., Ltd.

Okasan Information Systems Co., Ltd. was founded in 1980 as a company with the primary mission of overseeing systems development for the Okasan Securities Group. As an organization of securities systems professionals, it supports securities businesses through systems development and operations for securities firms within and outside the Group, including Okasan Securities.

The company's activities transcend traditional systems. It has begun offering front-end systems for online securities trading and is currently moving forward with an eye on securities systems that will account for future needs. These efforts will help propel the Okasan Securities Group toward rapid and continuing growth in the world of financial IT, an industry sector that continues to expand, as evidenced by the growth of FinTech technologies, at an accelerating pace.

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