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We respect the individuality of each employee and established a workplace environment and personnel system free of unlawful discrimination. Furthermore, we implemented a number of initiatives designed to ensure that all employees can be proud of their work as part of our efforts to help employees realize maximum job satisfaction.
An Array of Human Resources Development Programs
In order to enhance the skills of each employee in our group, we introduced an array of different education and training programs with a primary focus on Okasan Securities. Efforts are being directed at the development of human resources.
Main human resources development programs
New employee development program
Since 1993, we have conducted year-long training programs that include collective training elements and sales training sessions at sales branches to equip each new employee with the basic skills to effectively work as a securities professional.
Career training (by rank and job title)
We conduct a regular collective training program for branch managers, administrators, senior managers, and other ranked personnel to provide them with the tools to understand their roles and improve their management skills.
Compliance training
In addition to organizing sales management and internal control management training sessions for branch managers and internal control managers twice a year, we utilize these same sessions for all-branch compliance training sessions for all registered field agents.
Okasan Business School
The Okasan Business School is an internal training program for the development of financial professionals that is designed for employees in their second year with the company. The business school offers a cafeteria plan with about forty lectures divided between a curriculum for securities professionals (Sales Courses and Information and Management courses) and a curriculum covering other management subjects.
Communicating with Employees
The Okasan Securities Group introduced measures to improve the morale of each employee towards, and we encourage dialogue as a means of supporting upward career mobility. Our target setting and performance follow-up program, which is implemented through one-on-one interviews between superiors and subordinates, is an element of communications with employees for formulating plans to set and attain targets in line with the responsibilities and functions assigned to each employee. In addition, we administer a self-reporting system and a counseling program. Our self-reporting system allows each employee to communicate job satisfaction, transfer requests, self-development pursuits, health, and other matters to the Human Resources Department through the company intranet and enables appropriate counseling when necessary. In addition, we are promoting employee consultation services linked directly to the Human Resources Department via the company intranet.
Employment Situation
Recruitment situation
We promote recruitment based on personnel plans, business plans, and other considerations of our corporate group, which is anchored by Okasan Securities. In announcing recruitment drives, we utilize a variety of tools, including websites operated by us and by Okasan Securities and placement firms. The number of employees that we hired in the last three years is broken down between recent graduates and mid-career workers as follows:
Year | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Number of recent graduates hired | 170 | 212 | 295 |
Number of mid-career workers hired | 36 | 25 | 56 |
Initiatives respecting the hiring of disabled employees
In order to assist disabled persons in achieving independence, we strive to increase the representation of disabled employees in our workforce. As of the end of March 2015, Okasan Securities employs fifty-four persons.
Year | 2020 report | 2019 report | 2018 report |
Number of regular workers | 2,557 | 2,687 | 2,618 |
Number of legally mandated workers | 56 | 53 | 52 |
Number of disabled workers (tallied) | 64 | 63 | 60 |
Percent of workforce comprising disabled workers | 2.5% | 2.3% | 2.3% |
Initiatives respecting the hiring of older workers
We have historically expanded our recruitment of older workers. With amendments in April 2006 to the Law Concerning the Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons, we introduced a "Continuous Employment System" to enable workers who have reached the age of mandatory retirement to continue working as a means of actively harnessing their wealth of experience and skills.
Retirement benefit program
For transparency and to improve satisfaction, we introduced a points-based retirement benefit program linked to individual performance evaluations. Benefits consist of a defined-benefits corporate pension plan, defined-contribution pension plan, and retirement lump-sum grants and form a scheme that reliably underpins the lifeline upon which employees depend after they retire. For our defined-benefits corporate pension plan, we introduced a cash balance plan to maintain the soundness of pension assets.
The portability of our defined-benefits corporate pension plan
We are actively promoting the introduction of such a plan in order to recruit excellent personnel in response to amendments to the Defined Benefit Corporate Pension Law for accommodating greater labor mobility and expanding corporate pension entitlements. Authorization was granted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the administration of this plan commenced on June 28, 2006.
- Defined-benefits corporate pension assets can be transferred when switching jobs→Converting retirement lump-sum grants to a pension scheme
- Pensions subscription terms can be aggregated→Granting pension entitlement eligibility
Occupational Safety and Health Initiatives
We implemented the following initiatives in order to ensure that our employees lead sound social lives.
Regular health checkups
We administer regular health checkups for all employees once a year. With a health officer assigned to each sales office, virtually 100% of the employees undergo health examinations. In addition, employees forty years of age and older are offered more extensive medical examinations. Since 2006, such employees have taken advantage of our corporate subsidy program, which helps to defray the cost of full medical examinations (up to 20,000 yen each).
Mental healthcare
We introduced a 24-hour-a-day, year-round service that provides health, healthcare, nursing, and childcare consultations, mental health counseling, and information on medical care institutions and services to encourage employees to undergo self-administered stress checks as a means of coping with stress and implementing improvements and preventive measures. These services were launched to maintain and improve the health of all of our executives and employees.
Okasan comprehensive health consultations
We offer the advantages of Tokyo Securities Industry Health Insurance Society's Health consultations to our employees and their spouses and dependents. The service provides health, healthcare, nursing, and childcare consultations, mental health counseling, and information on medical care institutions.