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For a prosperous society and to ensure that our society will grow over the long-term, our group operates social contribution programs to resolve social issues.
Donations Made Through Regional Support Funds
With the goal of promoting social welfare objectives, Okasan Asset Management Co., Ltd. donates a portion of management fees collected from regional support funds to local communities. Through funds intended to promote social welfare, the company donates service vehicles to children’s welfare facilities and picture books to nursery schools. Seeking to continue contributing to local communities, Okasan Asset Management has also established and operates funds to help protect the environment and support local industry.
Science Program for Elementary School Students Shown at Digital Dome Theater (Planetarium)
In September 2013, the Okasan Securities Group completed the Okasan Securities Group Tsu Building in Tsu-shi, Mie, which is the location of its first office. The Group constructed this building as a project to commemorate its 90th anniversary.
The building features the "Okasan Digital Dome Theater KAGURA DOME," which boasts the world's highest level of video expression technology. This theater shows a science program, created based on the government's educational guidelines, to elementary school students in Tsu-shi for free. The program enables the children to learn about outer space with highly realistic pictures. With this initiative, the Okasan Securities Group aims to raise children's interest in science and contribute to science education.
SDGs initiatives
Sales of products that contribute to society
Okasan Securities sells social bonds to raise funds for projects that address social issues. These funds support economic activity in developing countries and other efforts.
In 2016, the United Nations introduced its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under this program, the world’s nations will work together to achieve various goals, including eradicating poverty, rectifying inequalities, and fighting climate change. Bond markets geared to raising funds for social projects have emerged, with expanding efforts and support from growing numbers of investors who seek to account for the environment, society, and governance (ESG) in their investment decisions.
Through the sale of these products and other activities, Okasan Securities strives to provide individual investors in Japan with ESG investment opportunities, promote socially responsible investing, and further the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Approach to Environmental Issues
Use of Environmentally-Friendly Products
Documents for our shareholders, some pamphlets, and a public relations magazine prepared by the Company and Group members are printed using environmentally friendly products (recycled paper, soy ink, etc.).
Helping release ibis into the wild
Okasan Niigata Securities Co.,Ltd (Nagaoka, Niigata) sold two Animal Welfare Funds - "Ibises Support Fund" ( formally named as "High Ratings Sovereign Fund - Open-ended, Monthly Settlement Type" ) and "Ibises Breeding Support Fund" ( formally named as "Fund of Sovereign Bonds issued by Developed countries and J-REIT Income - Open ended type ) .
Those funds were set up for protection of Japanese crested ibises, designated as a special natural monument in danger of extinction. Okasan Niigata Securities Co.,Ltd donated part of the earnings from the funds to the Crested Ibis Conservation Donations of Niigata Prefecture to support the activities to conserve, breed and release ibises into the wild.
- Ibises Support Fund was redeemed in September 2019 and Ibises Breeding Support Fund was also redeemed in May 2020.
Support for All-Japan Junior Gymnastics
Okasan Securities and the rest of our group sponsor programs at the All-Japan Junior Gymnastics Club Federation with to promote the sound development of children through sports. The activities of this federation are supported by contributions.
Support for the Japan Committee for Vaccines for the World's Children
Okasan Securities agrees with the mission of the Japan Committee for Vaccines for the World's Children (JCV), an authorized NPO, and supports the activities as a JCV sponsor.
JCV is an incorporated non-profit organization that supplies polio and other vaccines to developing countries where many children die of preventable infectious diseases. Through its activities, JCV also promotes volunteer efforts in terms of the global perspective.