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Financial Explanatory Notes

Primary contents from here.

Quarterly financial explanatory notes are available here.

FY Ending March 2025

FY Ending March 2024

  • The figures for 23/6 on P12 and P18 "Assets under custody" of 1Q Results Briefing have been revised (Revision date : August 30, 2023)
  • P18 has been revised (Revision date : July 26, 2024)

FY Ending March 2023

FY Ending March 2022

FY Ending March 2021

FY Ending March 2020

FY Ending March 2019

FY Ending March 2018

FY Ending March 2017

FY Ending March 2016

FY Ending March 2015

FY Ending March 2014

FY Ending March 2013

FY Ending March 2012

FY Ending March 2011

FY Ending March 2010

FY Ending March 2009

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